| Our latest Newsletter has been sent out. View it on our Newsletter tab above or click the more information button below. Become a Member of the Stratford & District Right to Life! The newsletter is available for all members in March, June, September & December 
 | Stratford & District Right to Life is a Pro-Life, non denominational organization of individuals who believe that all human life - before and after birth - has a right to care and protection. We try to serve as a centre of information on the abortion issue, and to reach all Canadians concerning the preservation and dignity of human life, and also to urge one to take action in our democratic society. 
 | EVENTSPicketing- Prayerful Prolife Hospital Witness On the last Thursday of every month we gather in front of Victoria Hospital in London to pray to end abortion.
​A group leaves from Stratford at 2pm
If you are interested contact Terry Miller: 519-393-8400 
|   | Contact information and links. 
 | There are many ways that you can help in our fight for respect of all human life! Your financial support is needed and appreciated. 
|  | Learn about the issues. Coherent, interrelated, intelligent articles, news and information are at your fingertips. 
You can email us at kahle123@rogers.com Glenn Kahle. Thank you for visiting our website.
Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/stratfordright2life.ca/